Top Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Coins by Market Cap

About Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Cryptocurrencies

Decentralized exchanges, or DEXs, are a type of cryptocurrency platform that allows users to trade digital assets without relying on intermediaries like traditional exchanges. Unlike their centralized counterparts, DEXs operate using blockchain technology, which provides greater security and transparency for traders. By utilizing smart contracts and decentralized networks, DEXs enable peer-to-peer trading without the need for intermediaries, resulting in faster settlement times and reduced costs. This category of cryptocurrencies is gaining popularity due to its potential to democratize access to financial markets and provide more secure trading options for investors. As DEXs continue to develop and mature, they are likely to become a significant part of the broader cryptocurrency landscape.

List of Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Uniswap Uniswap (UNI) $4,829,344,450.0
Synthetix Synthetix Network (SNX) $912,982,183.0
Curve Curve DAO (CRV) $646,364,015.0
dYdX dYdX (DYDX) $357,905,838.0
PancakeSwap PancakeSwap (CAKE) $326,850,258.0
1inch 1inch (1INCH) $319,645,645.0
Gnosis Gnosis (GNO) $303,815,525.0
THORChain THORChain (RUNE) $280,322,425.0
Osmosis Osmosis (OSMO) $298,137,724.0
Loopring Loopring (LRC) $278,367,355.0
Balancer Balancer (BAL) $189,547,445.0
Sushi Sushi (SUSHI) $132,404,905.0
JOE JOE (JOE) $113,517,129.0
CoinEx CoinEx (CET) $93,977,628.0
VVS VVS Finance (VVS) $95,976,383.0
Bancor Bancor Network (BNT) $57,800,064.0
Nerve Nerve Finance (NRV) $77,747,624.0
Linear Linear (LINA) $70,652,659.0
DODO DODO (DODO) $39,182,356.0
Raydium Raydium (RAY) $46,114,637.0
MUX MUX Protocol (MCB) $42,670,139.0
IDEX IDEX (IDEX) $39,087,247.0
Perpetual Perpetual Protocol (PERP) $35,284,994.0
Serum Serum (SRM) $33,833,665.0
Flamingo Flamingo Finance (FLM) $32,822,509.0
Quickswap Quickswap (QUICK) $25,452,334.0
ParaSwap ParaSwap (PSP) $21,697,938.0
0x 0x Protocol (ZRX) $20,391,476.0
Orca Orca (ORCA) $20,731,562.0
AirSwap AirSwap (AST) $19,488,249.0
bZx bZx Protocol (BZRX) $20,348,312.0
xSUSHI xSUSHI (XSUSHI) $22,074,584.0
Velodrome Velodrome Finance (VELO) $19,591,607.0
Kyber Kyber Network Crystal Legacy (KNCL) $16,712,029.0
Vite Vite (VITE) $14,206,354.0
BurgerCities BurgerCities (BURGER) $12,477,235.0
MEVFree MEVFree (MEVFREE) $11,908,479.0 (DVF) $11,248,447.0
Tokenlon Tokenlon (LON) $11,045,376.0
DeFi DeFi Kingdoms (JEWEL) $11,736,820.0
Cap Cap (CAP) $11,982,370.0
Hera Hera Finance (HERA) $14,199,298.0
CoW CoW Protocol (COW) $11,012,181.0
ZKSpace ZKSpace (ZKS) $10,001,415.0
Carbon Carbon Protocol (SWTH) $7,986,942.0
DerivaDAO DerivaDAO (DDX) $7,413,662.0
Verse Verse (VERSE) $7,080,364.0
Spookyswap Spookyswap (BOO) $6,764,093.0
OpenOcean OpenOcean (OOE) $5,569,763.0
ApeSwap ApeSwap (BANANA) $4,393,448.0
Thena Thena (THE) $5,111,030.0
dHEDGE dHEDGE DAO (DHT) $4,812,597.0
Pangolin Pangolin (PNG) $4,717,726.0
Cetus Cetus Protocol (CETUS) $2,627,716.0
Dfyn Dfyn Network (DFYN) $4,338,789.0
LuaSwap LuaSwap (LUA) $3,684,199.0
WigoSwap WigoSwap (WIGO) $3,322,766.0
NerveNetwork NerveNetwork (NVT) $3,274,852.0
Spectra Spectra (APW) $3,046,159.0
Polkaswap Polkaswap (PSWAP) $2,692,406.0
Kromatika Kromatika (KROM) $2,283,712.0
Gameswap Gameswap (GSWAP) $2,229,405.0
TETU TETU (TETU) $1,921,005.0
DefiBox DefiBox (BOX) $2,456,019.0
Deri Deri Protocol (DERI) $1,677,381.0
UniLayer UniLayer (LAYER) $1,480,916.0
Unicly Unicly (UNIC) $1,121,647.0
ZeroSwap ZeroSwap (ZEE) $1,225,152.0
Mettalex Mettalex (MTLX) $1,079,373.0
Value Value DeFi (VALUE) $1,031,796.0
Sashimi Sashimi (SASHIMI) $1,081,307.0
Futureswap Futureswap (FST) $795,197.0
StellaSwap StellaSwap (STELLA) $749,471.0
DexKit DexKit (KIT) $728,981.0
CoFiX CoFiX (COFI) $563,195.0
Aldrin Aldrin (RIN) $642,970.0
Tidex Tidex (TDX) $992,718.0
SpiritSwap SpiritSwap (SPIRIT) $558,578.0
OctoFi OctoFi (OCTO) $433,800.0
Hedget Hedget (HGET) $326,976.0
Falconswap Falconswap (FSW) $385,349.0
Zyberswap Zyberswap (ZYB) $431,066.0
Trisolaris Trisolaris (TRI) $321,602.0
ExchangeCoin ExchangeCoin (EXCC) $134,508.0
Autonio Autonio (NIOX) $247,129.0
Sifchain Sifchain (EROWAN) $189,140.0
Standard Standard Protocol (STND) $223,915.0
SakeSwap SakeSwap (SAKE) $88,961.0
StepEx StepEx (SPEX) $87,842.0
Synthetify Synthetify (SNY) $31,281.0
Atlas Atlas DEX (ATS) $12,248.4
DeGate DeGate (DG) $3,832,245.0
Nash Nash (NEX) $11,431,386.0
ACryptoSI ACryptoSI (ACSI) $329,021.0
Huckleberry Huckleberry (FINN) $99,059.0
Snowball Snowball (SNOB) $31,332.0
WaultSwap WaultSwap (WEX) $14,993,958.0
DAEX DAEX (DAX) $1,432,071.0
Oiler Oiler (OIL) $731,399.0
Newdex Newdex (DEX) $629,414.0
OpenWorld OpenWorld (OPEN) $482,640.0 (ZERO) $412,962.0
Oikos Oikos (OKS) $187,030.0
Ardana Ardana (DANA) $65,664.0
MilkySwap MilkySwap (MILKY) $57,659.0
LinkCoin LinkCoin (LKN) $42,975.0 (NEW) (ADD) $39,088.0
Arable Arable Protocol (ACRE) $37,810.0
WannaSwap WannaSwap (WANNA) $33,782.0
Bintex Bintex Futures (BNTX) $20,766.0
ZoomSwap ZoomSwap (ZM) $19,529.25
MMOCoin MMOCoin (MMO) $16,837.22
Viper Viper (VIPER) $0.01890114
Belt Belt (BELT) $1,375,952.0
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