Top Automated Market Maker (AMM) Coins by Market Cap

About Automated Market Maker (AMM) Cryptocurrencies

Automated Market Maker (AMM) cryptocurrencies are a type of decentralized exchange that utilizes algorithms and smart contracts to facilitate the buying and selling of digital assets without the need for intermediaries. These exchanges operate on a continuous auction-style market, where users can place orders at any time and the system will automatically match them with other users who have opposing orders. This allows for fast and efficient trading, as well as greater liquidity and lower fees compared to traditional centralized exchanges. AMMs also provide better price discovery and more accurate market prices due to their automated nature, which can lead to more informed trading decisions. Additionally, AMMs are highly scalable and can handle a large volume of trades without any downtime or interruptions, making them ideal for high-frequency traders and institutional investors. Overall, Automated Market Maker (AMM) cryptocurrencies offer a more efficient, transparent, and secure way to trade digital assets compared to traditional exchanges.

List of Automated Market Maker (AMM) Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Uniswap Uniswap (UNI) $4,829,344,450.0
Curve Curve DAO (CRV) $646,364,015.0
PancakeSwap PancakeSwap (CAKE) $326,850,258.0
1inch 1inch (1INCH) $319,645,645.0
Osmosis Osmosis (OSMO) $298,137,724.0
Balancer Balancer (BAL) $189,547,445.0
Sushi Sushi (SUSHI) $132,404,905.0
Kyber Kyber Network Crystal (KNC) $141,061,177.0
JOE JOE (JOE) $113,517,129.0
VVS VVS Finance (VVS) $95,976,383.0
Bancor Bancor Network (BNT) $57,800,064.0
Pendle Pendle (PENDLE) $71,030,947.0
Raydium Raydium (RAY) $46,114,637.0
Perpetual Perpetual Protocol (PERP) $35,284,994.0
RocketX RocketX exchange (RVF) $21,851,117.0
Orca Orca (ORCA) $20,731,562.0
Kyber Kyber Network Crystal Legacy (KNCL) $16,712,029.0
BurgerCities BurgerCities (BURGER) $12,477,235.0 (DVF) $11,248,447.0
DeFi DeFi Kingdoms (JEWEL) $11,736,820.0
Cream Cream (CREAM) $10,856,808.0
Spookyswap Spookyswap (BOO) $6,764,093.0
ApeSwap ApeSwap (BANANA) $4,393,448.0
LuaSwap LuaSwap (LUA) $3,684,199.0
Spectra Spectra (APW) $3,046,159.0
PolkaBridge PolkaBridge (PBR) $2,728,913.0
mStable mStable Governance: Meta (MTA) $1,998,728.0
BSC BSC Station (BSCS) $1,894,251.0
Unicly Unicly (UNIC) $1,121,647.0
Mettalex Mettalex (MTLX) $1,079,373.0
Value Value DeFi (VALUE) $1,031,796.0
StellaSwap StellaSwap (STELLA) $749,471.0
CoFiX CoFiX (COFI) $563,195.0
Aldrin Aldrin (RIN) $642,970.0
SpiritSwap SpiritSwap (SPIRIT) $558,578.0
Swerve Swerve (SWRV) $481,559.0
Sifchain Sifchain (EROWAN) $189,140.0
Lien Lien (LIEN) $110,583.0
SakeSwap SakeSwap (SAKE) $88,961.0
MacaronSwap MacaronSwap (MCRN) $39,264.0
Snowball Snowball (SNOB) $31,332.0
WaultSwap WaultSwap (WEX) $14,993,958.0
Paint Paint Swap (BRUSH) $2,060,824.0 (ZERO) $412,962.0
Ardana Ardana (DANA) $65,664.0
ZoomSwap ZoomSwap (ZM) $19,529.25
Viper Viper (VIPER) $0.01890114
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