Top Harmony Ecosystem Coins by Market Cap

About Harmony Ecosystem Cryptocurrencies

Harmony Ecosystem is a category of cryptocurrencies that focuses on creating a decentralized financial system. Within this ecosystem, there are several cryptocurrencies that work together to provide a seamless and secure financial experience for users. These cryptocurrencies include Harmony Coin, which serves as the base currency for the ecosystem, and other tokens that offer specific services such as lending, borrowing, and trading. The goal of the Harmony Ecosystem is to provide a user-friendly platform that allows individuals to easily access a wide range of financial services without the need for intermediaries. By creating a decentralized system, the ecosystem also promotes transparency, security, and efficiency in financial transactions. Overall, the Harmony Ecosystem is an innovative approach to cryptocurrency that has the potential to revolutionize the way people think about money and financial services.

List of Harmony Ecosystem Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Tether Tether (USDT) $83,828,239,586.0
USD USD Coin (USDC) $26,575,033,413.0
Polygon Polygon (MATIC) $6,627,455,911.0
Wrapped Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) $4,750,032,994.0
Uniswap Uniswap (UNI) $4,829,344,450.0
Dai Dai (DAI) $4,146,376,060.0
Chainlink Chainlink (LINK) $4,213,135,255.0
Binance Binance USD (BUSD) $3,704,383,684.0
TrueUSD TrueUSD (TUSD) $3,054,887,183.0
Cronos Cronos (CRO) $1,568,522,883.0
The The Graph (GRT) $1,013,577,762.0
Aave Aave (AAVE) $1,067,092,894.0
The The Sandbox (SAND) $837,951,771.0
Synthetix Synthetix Network (SNX) $912,982,183.0
Frax Frax (FRAX) $911,692,791.0
Axie Axie Infinity (AXS) $810,675,859.0
Fantom Fantom (FTM) $689,540,276.0
PAX PAX Gold (PAXG) $483,716,506.0
Frax Frax Share (FXS) $476,578,348.0
Huobi Huobi (HT) $427,238,815.0
Compound Compound (COMP) $492,076,885.0
1inch 1inch (1INCH) $319,645,645.0
Basic Basic Attention (BAT) $301,135,832.0
Holo Holo (HOT) $231,615,639.0 (YFI) $231,314,200.0
Balancer Balancer (BAL) $189,547,445.0
Harmony Harmony (ONE) $149,367,606.0
Sushi Sushi (SUSHI) $132,404,905.0
Livepeer Livepeer (LPT) $120,039,549.0
Linear Linear (LINA) $70,652,659.0
REN REN (REN) $59,885,726.0
Storj Storj (STORJ) $43,956,025.0
Reef Reef (REEF) $35,768,762.0
Ampleforth Ampleforth (AMPL) $27,529,355.0
MAI MAI (MIMATIC) $27,067,631.0
Beefy Beefy (BIFI) $26,847,476.0
0x 0x Protocol (ZRX) $20,391,476.0
Frontier Frontier (FRONT) $13,177,887.0
Wise Wise (WISE) $14,238,867.0
FEG FEG ETH (FEG) $11,985,710.0
DeFi DeFi Kingdoms (JEWEL) $11,736,820.0
Rupiah Rupiah Token (IDRT) $8,015,270.0
DSLA DSLA Protocol (DSLA) $6,924,918.0
SparkPoint SparkPoint (SRK) $1,613,555.0
Auto Auto (AUTO) $1,215,681.0
Furucombo Furucombo (COMBO) $856,382.0
JulSwap JulSwap (JULD) $1,039,526.0
Digital Digital Reserve Currency (DRC) $225,361.0
Tranquil Tranquil Finance (TRANQ) $221,645.0
Templar Templar DAO (TEM) $1,001,445.0
OpenWorld OpenWorld (OPEN) $482,640.0
Hundred Hundred Finance (HND) $12,709,481.0
Crypto Crypto Royale (ROY) $250,444.0
Cosmic Cosmic Universe Magic (MAGIC) $153,792.0
Viper Viper (VIPER) $0.01890114
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