Top Governance Coins by Market Cap

About Governance Cryptocurrencies

Governance cryptocurrencies are digital assets that have a decentralized governance system, allowing holders to participate in decision-making processes. This category includes coins like Decred and Tezos, which have on-chain voting mechanisms for community members to propose and vote on proposals. Unlike traditional currencies, where central authorities make decisions without input from users, governance cryptocurrencies give power back to the people through a decentralized, transparent process. This allows for more inclusive decision-making and ensures that the interests of all stakeholders are represented. Additionally, governance cryptocurrencies often have built-in checks and balances to prevent any one entity from gaining too much control, further increasing their decentralization and resilience. Overall, governance cryptocurrencies represent a new paradigm in the world of digital assets, prioritizing decentralized decision-making and community involvement over centralized authority.

List of Governance Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Uniswap Uniswap (UNI) $4,829,344,450.0
Internet Internet Computer (ICP) $1,903,159,317.0
Maker Maker (MKR) $1,131,343,004.0
Aave Aave (AAVE) $1,067,092,894.0
Synthetix Synthetix Network (SNX) $912,982,183.0
eCash eCash (XEC) $588,077,035.0
Curve Curve DAO (CRV) $646,364,015.0
Compound Compound (COMP) $492,076,885.0
Dash Dash (DASH) $369,377,030.0
PancakeSwap PancakeSwap (CAKE) $326,850,258.0
Mask Mask Network (MASK) $291,413,487.0
Ethereum Ethereum Name Service (ENS) $246,684,637.0
Decred Decred (DCR) $224,886,907.0 (YFI) $231,314,200.0
Balancer Balancer (BAL) $189,547,445.0
Aragon Aragon (ANT) $173,510,224.0
Ribbon Ribbon Finance (RBN) $150,186,202.0
DAO DAO Maker (DAO) $155,053,630.0
Amp Amp (AMP) $132,697,687.0
Sushi Sushi (SUSHI) $132,404,905.0
Tribe Tribe (TRIBE) $127,702,670.0
UMA UMA (UMA) $118,860,838.0
Merit Merit Circle (MC) $86,055,577.0
Cartesi Cartesi (CTSI) $110,053,349.0
inSure inSure DeFi (SURE) $85,706,976.0
Wilder Wilder World (WILD) $81,069,496.0
Covalent Covalent (CQT) $63,170,146.0
Adventure Adventure Gold (AGLD) $58,027,460.0
Aavegotchi Aavegotchi (GHST) $49,697,237.0
Badger Badger DAO (BADGER) $44,431,924.0 (YFII) $30,650,765.0
Ampleforth Ampleforth Governance (FORTH) $36,464,780.0
BarnBridge BarnBridge (BOND) $30,001,059.0
Alpaca Alpaca Finance (ALPACA) $21,780,183.0
Dopex Dopex (DPX) $27,071,731.0
0x 0x Protocol (ZRX) $20,391,476.0
DXdao DXdao (DXD) $17,094,595.0
AirSwap AirSwap (AST) $19,488,249.0
Tranchess Tranchess (CHESS) $18,337,572.0
xSUSHI xSUSHI (XSUSHI) $22,074,584.0
HOPR HOPR (HOPR) $17,668,075.0
Harvest Harvest Finance (FARM) $16,752,167.0
ICHI ICHI (ICHI) $14,425,971.0
Kyber Kyber Network Crystal Legacy (KNCL) $16,712,029.0
Rari Rari Governance (RGT) $14,255,354.0
Rarible Rarible (RARI) $12,687,127.0
DeFi DeFi Kingdoms (JEWEL) $11,736,820.0
Cream Cream (CREAM) $10,856,808.0
PowerPool PowerPool Concentrated Voting Power (CVP) $10,639,724.0
AirDAO AirDAO (AMB) $10,480,493.0
Tokemak Tokemak (TOKE) $9,429,843.0
Index Index Cooperative (INDEX) $8,930,408.0
Dego Dego Finance (DEGO) $8,940,779.0
xFUND xFUND (XFUND) $5,448,103.0
Step Step App (FITFI) $5,634,267.0
Cryptex Cryptex Finance (CTX) $5,218,068.0
dHEDGE dHEDGE DAO (DHT) $4,812,597.0
Ambire Ambire Wallet (WALLET) $3,490,441.0
Dypius Dypius (DYP) $2,227,819.0
BendDAO BendDAO (BEND) $2,714,815.0
Collab.Land Collab.Land (COLLAB) $4,802,489.0
Kromatika Kromatika (KROM) $2,283,712.0
Granary Granary (GRAIN) $2,429,647.0
Horizon Horizon Protocol (HZN) $2,248,726.0
mStable mStable Governance: Meta (MTA) $1,998,728.0
OATH OATH (OATH) $2,142,270.0 (YF-DAI) $2,126,679.0
Dope Dope Wars Paper (PAPER) $2,186,005.0
Hord Hord (HORD) $1,943,054.0
PoolTogether PoolTogether (POOL) $1,776,434.0
MahaDAO MahaDAO (MAHA) $1,863,357.0
YAM YAM (YAM) $1,553,103.0
Pickle Pickle Finance (PICKLE) $1,440,415.0
Niftyx Niftyx Protocol (SHROOM) $1,226,996.0
Unit Unit Protocol (DUCK) $1,259,582.0
Tomb Tomb Shares (TSHARE) $4,636,142.0
Tower Tower (TOWER) $1,255,297.0
Charged Charged Particles (IONX) $1,142,737.0
Opium Opium (OPIUM) $1,228,223.0
Phuture Phuture (PHTR) $588,552.0
Hakka Hakka Finance (HAKKA) $480,879.0
unFederalReserve unFederalReserve (ERSDL) $824,342.0
NONbeta NONbeta (NON) $588,284.0
BlackHat BlackHat Coin (BLKC) $526,576.0
Gather Gather (GTH) $511,411.0
OctoFi OctoFi (OCTO) $433,800.0
Swerve Swerve (SWRV) $481,559.0
Fortune Fortune Token (FRTN) $313,632.0
PowerTrade PowerTrade Fuel (PTF) $288,737.0
Governor Governor DAO (GDAO) $243,429.0
Sifchain Sifchain (EROWAN) $189,140.0
Centric Centric Swap (CNS) $144,190.0
Chain Chain of Legends (CLEG) $139,021.0
Mochi Mochi Market (MOMA) $90,983.0
Delphi Delphi (ADEL) $65,485.0
Flurry Flurry Finance (FLURRY) $28,150.0
Atlas Atlas DEX (ATS) $12,248.4
dfohub dfohub (BUIDL) $4,188.98
AllianceBlock AllianceBlock (ALBT) $1,133,010.0
Decubate Decubate (DCB) $4,634,665.0
Astra Astra DAO (ASTRADAO) $1,963,756.0
Enreach Enreach (NRCH) $3,122,196.0
Onooks Onooks (OOKS) $2,895,820.0
Paladin Paladin (PAL) $1,631,683.0
Snowball Snowball (SNOB) $31,332.0
IDLE IDLE (IDLE) $1,238,315.0
Filda Filda (FILDA) $250,178.0
SEDA SEDA Protocol (FLX) $5,328,029.0
Plasma Plasma Finance (PPAY) $1,030,939.0
Pillar Pillar (PLR) $1,406,746.0
DAOhaus DAOhaus (HAUS) $854,772.0
NFT NFT Protocol (NFT) $527,487.0 (ZERO) $412,962.0
DePay DePay (DEPAY) $1,199,182.0
YF YF Link (YFL) $287,814.0
Pacoca Pacoca (PACOCA) $182,278.0
GamyFi GamyFi (GFX) $96,288.0
Zoracles Zoracles (ZORA) $100,408.0
Metacourt Metacourt (BLS) $74,651.0
Indexed Indexed Finance (NDX) $63,589.0
DMM: DMM: Governance (DMG) $53,763.0
Ardana Ardana (DANA) $65,664.0
Unique Unique One (RARE) $27,296.0
OPEN OPEN Governance (OPEN) $20,843.0
Viper Viper (VIPER) $0.01890114
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