Top Cosmos Ecosystem Coins by Market Cap

About Cosmos Ecosystem Cryptocurrencies

Cosmos is a decentralized network of independent, parallel blockchains that are interoperable with one another through the use of the Cosmos-owned Tendermint consensus algorithm. This allows for the creation of a diverse range of cryptocurrencies within the Cosmos Ecosystem, each with its own unique features and use cases. Some examples of these cryptocurrencies include the Cosmos base chain, which serves as the foundation for the entire ecosystem, and the various decentralized applications (dApps) that have been built on top of it. Additionally, there are a number of other cryptocurrencies within the Cosmos Ecosystem that are designed to provide additional functionality or serve specific use cases, such as the Cosmos-based stablecoin, GRT. Overall, the Cosmos Ecosystem provides a unique and innovative approach to decentralized finance and blockchain technology, and its cryptocurrencies offer a wide range of possibilities for investors and users alike.

List of Cosmos Ecosystem Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Cosmos Cosmos Hub (ATOM) $2,654,553,853.0
Cronos Cronos (CRO) $1,568,522,883.0
Injective Injective (INJ) $668,881,022.0
Kava Kava (KAVA) $589,274,754.0
Terra Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) $474,755,420.0
THORChain THORChain (RUNE) $280,322,425.0
Osmosis Osmosis (OSMO) $298,137,724.0
OKT OKT Chain (OKT) $263,828,340.0 (FET) $222,762,203.0
Ankr Ankr Network (ANKR) $220,354,729.0
Aragon Aragon (ANT) $173,510,224.0
Band Band Protocol (BAND) $154,010,115.0
Axelar Axelar (AXL) $141,451,932.0
Kadena Kadena (KDA) $136,303,739.0
Akash Akash Network (AKT) $134,315,356.0
Nym Nym (NYM) $94,979,419.0
Kujira Kujira (KUJI) $86,140,155.0
Medibloc Medibloc (MED) $90,666,950.0
Agoric Agoric (BLD) $124,303,089.0
Stride Stride (STRD) $77,881,747.0
Secret Secret (SCRT) $70,615,135.0
Shentu Shentu (CTK) $55,023,784.0
Bytom Bytom (BTM) $44,743,483.0
Dawn Dawn Protocol (DAWN) $51,807,300.0
Firmachain Firmachain (FCT) $49,613,985.0
Persistence Persistence (XPRT) $46,690,961.0
Evmos Evmos (EVMOS) $44,349,370.0
IRISnet IRISnet (IRIS) $32,626,386.0
Sommelier Sommelier (SOMM) $31,451,244.0 (ALEPH) $14,538,707.0
Bluzelle Bluzelle (BLZ) $22,257,992.0
JUNO JUNO (JUNO) $19,268,776.0
Cudos Cudos (CUDOS) $18,465,910.0
Kava Kava Lend (HARD) $17,214,280.0
Umee Umee (UMEE) $17,686,191.0
Stargaze Stargaze (STARS) $14,671,980.0
MATH MATH (MATH) $12,451,200.0
KI KI (XKI) $13,181,133.0
Oraichain Oraichain (ORAI) $13,121,796.0
Ion Ion (ION) $12,737,919.0
CHEQD CHEQD Network (CHEQ) $10,317,808.0
Carbon Carbon Protocol (SWTH) $7,986,942.0
Aura Aura Network (AURA) $7,072,631.0
Astroport Astroport (ASTRO) $6,605,063.0
Sentinel Sentinel (DVPN) $5,536,913.0
Mirror Mirror Protocol (MIR) $4,887,208.0
Anchor Anchor Protocol (ANC) $4,249,872.0
COMDEX COMDEX (CMDX) $3,846,544.0
Chihuahua Chihuahua Chain (HUAHUA) $2,685,740.0
Lambda Lambda (LAMB) $2,672,226.0
Planq Planq (PLQ) $2,178,247.0
OneLedger OneLedger (OLT) $1,775,525.0
AssetMantle AssetMantle (MNTL) $1,365,848.0
Graviton Graviton (GRAV) $1,584,963.0
KIRA KIRA Network (KEX) $1,187,328.0
e-Money e-Money (NGM) $594,480.0
Decentr Decentr (DEC) $435,179.0
Sifchain Sifchain (EROWAN) $189,140.0
Hashgard Hashgard (GARD) $129,602.0
LikeCoin LikeCoin (LIKE) $1,739,448.0
Desmos Desmos (DSM) $1,175,738.0
FOAM FOAM (FOAM) $2,296,698.0
Odin Odin Protocol (ODIN) $473,898.0
Regen Regen (REGEN) $8,918,327.0
Starname Starname (IOV) $323,307.0
Vidulum Vidulum (VDL) $185,992.0
Microtick Microtick (TICK) $86,894.0
Zebi Zebi (ZCO) $72,934.0
Centaur Centaur (CNTR) $71,293.0
Arable Arable Protocol (ACRE) $37,810.0
IXO IXO (IXO) $1,032,058.0
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