Top Layer 1 (L1) Coins by Market Cap

About Layer 1 (L1) Cryptocurrencies

Layer 1 (L1) cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that operate independently of other blockchain networks and have their own decentralized networks, transaction validation protocols, and consensus mechanisms. These cryptocurrencies are also known as “native” or “independent” cryptocurrencies because they do not rely on any other blockchain for security or functionality. Examples of L1 cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC). These currencies have their own unique features and advantages, such as fast transaction processing times, high levels of security, and the ability to execute complex smart contracts. L1 cryptocurrencies are often considered more secure than other types of cryptocurrencies because they do not rely on any external networks for validation or settlement. Additionally, they offer greater decentralization and control over their own blockchain networks.

List of Layer 1 (L1) Cryptocurrencies

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Coin Name Market Capitalization