Top Tourism Coins by Market Cap

About Tourism Cryptocurrencies

Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries, with billions of people traveling each year for leisure or business purposes. Cryptocurrency has been gaining popularity as a means of payment in various sectors, and tourism is no exception. Several cryptocurrencies have emerged specifically designed for the tourism industry, such as Travala and BookCoin, which offer users discounts and rewards when booking travel arrangements through their platforms. These currencies provide an alternative to traditional payment methods like credit cards and allow for faster and more secure transactions. Additionally, cryptocurrency can help reduce the costs associated with traditional payment systems, making travel more affordable for consumers. As the use of cryptocurrency in tourism continues to grow, it is likely that we will see new innovations emerge in this space.

List of Tourism Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
AVINOC AVINOC (AVINOC) $62,728,490.0 (AVA) $30,338,824.0
TRVL TRVL (TRVL) $4,944,886.0
LockTrip LockTrip (LOC) $6,678,245.0
KemaCoin KemaCoin (KEMA) $19,855.15
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