Top Storage Coins by Market Cap

About Storage Cryptocurrencies

Storage cryptocurrencies are a unique category of digital assets that are designed to provide an additional layer of security and protection for users’ cryptocurrency holdings. These currencies offer a range of features, including decentralized storage, secure multi-signature wallets, and advanced encryption techniques. By leveraging these technologies, storage cryptocurrencies aim to provide users with a more secure and reliable way to store their digital assets than traditional cryptocurrency wallets. Some popular examples of storage cryptocurrencies include Trezor, Ledger, and KeepKey. These currencies are gaining popularity among investors and traders due to their ability to protect against hacking and other security threats. Overall, storage cryptocurrencies offer a valuable solution for those looking to securely store their digital assets and protect them from potential threats in the digital world.

List of Storage Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Filecoin Filecoin (FIL) $1,942,445,374.0
Internet Internet Computer (ICP) $1,903,159,317.0
Arweave Arweave (AR) $365,908,733.0
Holo Holo (HOT) $231,615,639.0
Siacoin Siacoin (SC) $183,411,681.0
Ocean Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) $154,138,832.0
RSS3 RSS3 (RSS3) $50,167,793.0
Storj Storj (STORJ) $43,956,025.0 (ALEPH) $14,538,707.0
Bluzelle Bluzelle (BLZ) $22,257,992.0
Crust Crust Network (CRU) $18,337,236.0
Shadow Shadow Token (SHDW) $16,950,643.0
Swarm Swarm (BZZ) $18,227,562.0
Stratos Stratos (STOS) $13,501,418.0
SONM SONM (SNM) $14,569,795.0
Phantasma Phantasma (SOUL) $13,570,747.0
ProximaX ProximaX (XPX) $5,685,607.0
Zus Zus (ZCN) $6,320,234.0
StorX StorX (SRX) $5,105,520.0
WeSendit WeSendit (WSI) $4,124,715.0
Big Big Data Protocol (BDP) $2,069,962.0
Coldstack Coldstack (CLS) $938,924.0
ScPrime ScPrime (SCP) $6,448,028.0
MaidSafeCoin MaidSafeCoin (EMAID) $76,302,113.0
PAC PAC Protocol (PAC) $1,145,840.0
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