Top Real World Assets (RWA) Coins by Market Cap

About Real World Assets (RWA) Cryptocurrencies

Real World Assets (RWA) cryptocurrencies are a new subcategory within the broader crypto market, focusing on asset-backed tokens that provide real-world value beyond traditional digital assets. Unlike other categories, RWAs are collateralized by tangible assets such as real estate, art, or even fine wine, offering a more stable store of value and potential for long-term growth. These assets are often traded on specialized platforms, with liquidity pools and funding mechanisms designed to facilitate efficient transactions. RWAs have gained popularity among institutional investors seeking diversification within their crypto portfolios, as well as individual investors looking for alternative ways to access the crypto market. As more assets are tokenized and added to these platforms, the potential for growth in this category is vast, with some predicting it could eventually surpass the total value of the entire cryptocurrency market.

List of Real World Assets (RWA) Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Maker Maker (MKR) $1,131,343,004.0
Polymesh Polymesh (POLYX) $116,284,556.0
Centrifuge Centrifuge (CFG) $104,664,462.0
Creditcoin Creditcoin (CTC) $48,272,638.0
Maple Maple (MPL) $48,208,564.0
TrueFi TrueFi (TRU) $37,642,589.0
Goldfinch Goldfinch (GFI) $23,768,851.0
Propy Propy (PRO) $19,928,408.0
KlimaDAO KlimaDAO (KLIMA) $13,721,752.0
Clearpool Clearpool (CPOOL) $9,424,459.0
Mimo Mimo Governance (MIMO) $7,530,450.0
Defactor Defactor (FACTR) $6,753,189.0
Blocksquare Blocksquare (BST) $3,952,761.0
Swarm Swarm Markets (SMT) $4,869,345.0
Polytrade Polytrade (TRADE) $2,632,941.0
LABSV2 LABSV2 (LABSV2) $1,253,079.0
Regen Regen (REGEN) $8,918,327.0
Empowa Empowa (EMP) $3,179,792.0
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