Top Protocol Coins by Market Cap

About Protocol Cryptocurrencies

One of the most popular categories of cryptocurrency is protocol cryptocurrencies. These are cryptocurrencies that operate according to a specific set of rules or protocols, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Protocol cryptocurrencies have gained significant attention due to their ability to facilitate fast, secure, and decentralized transactions. They have also opened up new possibilities for the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. However, the high level of competition in this category has led to concerns about scalability and security, which may impact their long-term success. Despite these challenges, protocol cryptocurrencies continue to be a popular choice for investors and developers due to their potential to revolutionize the financial industry.

List of Protocol Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Hedera Hedera (HBAR) $1,752,934,037.0
Quant Quant (QNT) $1,639,908,667.0
MultiversX MultiversX (EGLD) $842,486,735.0
Gnosis Gnosis (GNO) $303,815,525.0
WAX WAX (WAXP) $174,443,079.0
Ocean Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) $154,138,832.0
Harmony Harmony (ONE) $149,367,606.0
Kadena Kadena (KDA) $136,303,739.0
NuCypher NuCypher (NU) $102,416,061.0
MVL MVL (MVL) $87,292,449.0
RSK RSK Infrastructure Framework (RIF) $79,508,011.0
Keep Keep Network (KEEP) $66,391,375.0
Metadium Metadium (META) $48,086,251.0
Wanchain Wanchain (WAN) $45,604,083.0
MAP MAP Protocol (MAP) $22,951,613.0
0x 0x Protocol (ZRX) $20,391,476.0
HOPR HOPR (HOPR) $17,668,075.0
GET GET Protocol (GET) $15,719,082.0
FIO FIO Protocol (FIO) $15,366,097.0
Augur Augur (REP) $14,455,856.0
Drep Drep (DREP) $13,718,281.0
Validity Validity (VAL) $9,166,413.0
Arcblock Arcblock (ABT) $8,696,649.0
Handshake Handshake (HNS) $9,862,877.0
DSLA DSLA Protocol (DSLA) $6,924,918.0
SERO SERO (SERO) $3,111,332.0
Cardstack Cardstack (CARD) $2,313,872.0
OneLedger OneLedger (OLT) $1,775,525.0
Idena Idena (IDNA) $1,687,420.0
Decentr Decentr (DEC) $435,179.0
Dev Dev Protocol (DEV) $349,632.0
DOS DOS Network (DOS) $186,752.0
Remme Remme (REM) $66,175.0
FOAM FOAM (FOAM) $2,296,698.0
Shardus Shardus (ULT) $119,162,148.0
NFT NFT Protocol (NFT) $527,487.0
Blocknet Blocknet (BLOCK) $855,376.0
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