Top Optimism Ecosystem Coins by Market Cap

About Optimism Ecosystem Cryptocurrencies

Optimism Ecosystem is a growing category of cryptocurrencies that are designed to provide users with a more optimistic outlook on investing and financial planning. These cryptos aim to offer a more secure and reliable way for individuals to invest in the digital asset market, with features such as enhanced security measures and user-friendly interfaces. By providing a more streamlined and accessible experience, Optimism Ecosystem cryptocurrencies are helping to democratize the world of finance and make it easier for people to take control of their financial futures. With a focus on transparency and accountability, these cryptos offer a refreshing alternative to traditional investment options and provide individuals with greater peace of mind when it comes to managing their wealth. As more people become aware of the benefits of Optimism Ecosystem cryptocurrencies, it is likely that this category will continue to grow in popularity and provide a new generation of investors with the tools they need to achieve their financial goals.

List of Optimism Ecosystem Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
Tether Tether (USDT) $83,828,239,586.0
USD USD Coin (USDC) $26,575,033,413.0
Wrapped Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) $4,750,032,994.0
Uniswap Uniswap (UNI) $4,829,344,450.0
Dai Dai (DAI) $4,146,376,060.0
Chainlink Chainlink (LINK) $4,213,135,255.0
Binance Binance USD (BUSD) $3,704,383,684.0
Lido Lido DAO (LDO) $1,698,719,674.0
Optimism Optimism (OP) $1,074,344,946.0
Rocket Rocket Pool ETH (RETH) $985,604,920.0
Aave Aave (AAVE) $1,067,092,894.0
Synthetix Synthetix Network (SNX) $912,982,183.0
Frax Frax (FRAX) $911,692,791.0
Curve Curve DAO (CRV) $646,364,015.0
Frax Frax Ether (FRXETH) $457,845,484.0
Staked Staked Frax Ether (SFRXETH) $300,584,158.0
Liquity Liquity USD (LUSD) $297,896,797.0
Worldcoin Worldcoin (WLD) $262,425,878.0
Balancer Balancer (BAL) $189,547,445.0
Alchemix Alchemix USD (ALUSD) $170,932,907.0
Stargate Stargate Finance (STG) $122,091,650.0
Kyber Kyber Network Crystal (KNC) $141,061,177.0
Cartesi Cartesi (CTSI) $110,053,349.0
Synapse Synapse (SYN) $121,818,741.0
Kujira Kujira (KUJI) $86,140,155.0
Stella Stella (ALPHA) $83,338,088.0
Magic Magic Internet Money (MIM) $74,612,797.0
BOB BOB (BOB) $49,508,882.0
DOLA DOLA (DOLA) $52,597,385.0
sUSD sUSD (SUSD) $45,896,432.0
Perpetual Perpetual Protocol (PERP) $35,284,994.0
dForce dForce USD (USX) $34,358,611.0
Premia Premia (PREMIA) $34,264,957.0
Tellor Tellor Tributes (TRB) $30,508,966.0
BarnBridge BarnBridge (BOND) $30,001,059.0
Lyra Lyra Finance (LYRA) $34,433,394.0
MAI MAI (MIMATIC) $27,067,631.0
Beefy Beefy (BIFI) $26,847,476.0 USD+ (USD+) $25,409,231.0
Thales Thales (THALES) $24,883,029.0
ParaSwap ParaSwap (PSP) $21,697,938.0
dForce dForce (DF) $18,179,528.0
Velodrome Velodrome Finance (VELO) $19,591,607.0
Across Across Protocol (ACX) $13,039,253.0
Kwenta Kwenta (KWENTA) $24,135,327.0
Ooki Ooki (OOKI) $13,472,084.0
Gamma Gamma Strategies (GAMMA) $10,928,614.0
ShapeShift ShapeShift FOX (FOX) $10,450,023.0
Sonne Sonne Finance (SONNE) $7,535,629.0
Rai Rai Reflex Index (RAI) $7,135,998.0
Tarot Tarot (TAROT) $3,482,318.0
Pika Pika Protocol (PIKA) $5,791,801.0
Cryptex Cryptex Finance (CTX) $5,218,068.0
Tornado Tornado Cash (TORN) $5,323,364.0
ANGLE ANGLE (ANGLE) $5,591,556.0
dHEDGE dHEDGE DAO (DHT) $4,812,597.0
Hop Hop Protocol (HOP) $4,408,567.0
Ethos Ethos Reserve Note (ERN) $4,138,428.0
Extra Extra Finance (EXTRA) $3,144,107.0
Alongside Alongside Crypto Market Index (AMKT) $2,843,333.0
BoringDAO BoringDAO (BORING) $2,560,882.0
Collab.Land Collab.Land (COLLAB) $4,802,489.0
Qi Qi Dao (QI) $2,453,199.0
Kromatika Kromatika (KROM) $2,283,712.0
Granary Granary (GRAIN) $2,429,647.0
mStable mStable Governance: Meta (MTA) $1,998,728.0
OATH OATH (OATH) $2,142,270.0
Beethoven Beethoven X (BEETS) $2,166,324.0
Dope Dope Wars Paper (PAPER) $2,186,005.0
PoolTogether PoolTogether (POOL) $1,776,434.0
RadioShack RadioShack (RADIO) $2,465,784.0
O3 O3 Swap (O3) $1,318,967.0
Mummy Mummy Finance (MMY) $1,259,086.0
Reunit Reunit Wallet (REUNI) $1,636,891.0
Pickle Pickle Finance (PICKLE) $1,440,415.0
Elk Elk Finance (ELK) $1,195,193.0
Saddle Saddle Finance (SDL) $1,038,780.0
AllianceBlock AllianceBlock (ALBT) $1,133,010.0
Jarvis Jarvis Reward (JRT) $4,092,073.0
Pika Pika (PIKA) $1,152,888.0
BUILD BUILD (BUILD) $1,081,802.0
Hundred Hundred Finance (HND) $12,709,481.0
Iron Iron Bank (IB) $550,147.0
Shack Shack (SHACK) $294,423.0
OneRing OneRing (RING) $24,566.0
Popcorn Popcorn (POP) $4,856,002.0
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