Top Exchange-based Tokens Coins by Market Cap

About Exchange-based Tokens Cryptocurrencies

Exchange-based tokens are a type of cryptocurrency that operates on an exchange platform. These tokens are designed to facilitate trading and liquidity within the platform, allowing users to easily buy and sell assets. Unlike other types of cryptocurrencies, exchange-based tokens do not have their own blockchain but instead rely on existing blockchain networks such as Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain. This means that they offer faster transaction times and lower fees compared to other cryptocurrencies. However, they also have limited functionality compared to other types of cryptocurrencies, as they are primarily designed for trading and do not have the same level of security features. Despite these limitations, exchange-based tokens remain a popular choice among traders due to their ease of use and fast transaction times.

List of Exchange-based Tokens Cryptocurrencies

Coin Name Market Capitalization
BNB BNB (BNB) $37,336,513,280.0
Uniswap Uniswap (UNI) $4,829,344,450.0
LEO LEO Token (LEO) $3,697,467,278.0
OKB OKB (OKB) $2,565,488,876.0
Cronos Cronos (CRO) $1,568,522,883.0
Synthetix Synthetix Network (SNX) $912,982,183.0
WhiteBIT WhiteBIT Token (WBT) $793,644,933.0
FLEX FLEX Coin (FLEX) $454,076,566.0
Bitget Bitget Token (BGB) $636,691,613.0
Gate Gate (GT) $578,580,038.0
KuCoin KuCoin (KCS) $567,344,559.0
Curve Curve DAO (CRV) $646,364,015.0
Tokenize Tokenize Xchange (TKX) $464,450,638.0
Huobi Huobi (HT) $427,238,815.0
dYdX dYdX (DYDX) $357,905,838.0
PancakeSwap PancakeSwap (CAKE) $326,850,258.0
1inch 1inch (1INCH) $319,645,645.0
WOO WOO Network (WOO) $349,226,793.0
THORChain THORChain (RUNE) $280,322,425.0
MX MX (MX) $275,355,629.0
Loopring Loopring (LRC) $278,367,355.0
Balancer Balancer (BAL) $189,547,445.0
BTSE BTSE Token (BTSE) $178,423,137.0
Sushi Sushi (SUSHI) $132,404,905.0
CoinEx CoinEx (CET) $93,977,628.0
Bancor Bancor Network (BNT) $57,800,064.0
Nerve Nerve Finance (NRV) $77,747,624.0
Linear Linear (LINA) $70,652,659.0
REN REN (REN) $59,885,726.0
WazirX WazirX (WRX) $57,617,726.0
DODO DODO (DODO) $39,182,356.0
MUX MUX Protocol (MCB) $42,670,139.0
IDEX IDEX (IDEX) $39,087,247.0
Perpetual Perpetual Protocol (PERP) $35,284,994.0
LCX LCX (LCX) $39,395,179.0
BitMEX BitMEX (BMEX) $32,926,746.0
AscendEx AscendEx (ASD) $42,275,247.0
Serum Serum (SRM) $33,833,665.0
Flamingo Flamingo Finance (FLM) $32,822,509.0
BitShares BitShares (BTS) $27,472,426.0
Quickswap Quickswap (QUICK) $25,452,334.0
Dopex Dopex (DPX) $27,071,731.0
ParaSwap ParaSwap (PSP) $21,697,938.0
BitMart BitMart (BMX) $19,063,416.0
AirSwap AirSwap (AST) $19,488,249.0
Tranchess Tranchess (CHESS) $18,337,572.0
bZx bZx Protocol (BZRX) $20,348,312.0
Kyber Kyber Network Crystal Legacy (KNCL) $16,712,029.0
QASH QASH (QASH) $16,134,751.0
Hegic Hegic (HEGIC) $13,692,215.0
SWFTCOIN SWFTCOIN (SWFTC) $12,159,184.0 (DVF) $11,248,447.0
DeFi DeFi Kingdoms (JEWEL) $11,736,820.0
Hera Hera Finance (HERA) $14,199,298.0
Carbon Carbon Protocol (SWTH) $7,986,942.0
OpenOcean OpenOcean (OOE) $5,569,763.0
BitKan BitKan (KAN) $5,333,175.0
NAGA NAGA (NGC) $5,395,590.0
ApeSwap ApeSwap (BANANA) $4,393,448.0
dHEDGE dHEDGE DAO (DHT) $4,812,597.0
LuaSwap LuaSwap (LUA) $3,684,199.0
TigerCash TigerCash (TCH) $3,442,523.0
BUX BUX (BUX) $3,523,995.0
LocalCoinSwap LocalCoinSwap (LCS) $2,791,351.0
Nominex Nominex (NMX) $2,504,037.0
Kromatika Kromatika (KROM) $2,283,712.0
Gameswap Gameswap (GSWAP) $2,229,405.0
LA LA (LA) $1,640,118.0
UniLayer UniLayer (LAYER) $1,480,916.0
Zipmex Zipmex (ZMT) $1,376,040.0
Unicly Unicly (UNIC) $1,121,647.0
Mettalex Mettalex (MTLX) $1,079,373.0
Sashimi Sashimi (SASHIMI) $1,081,307.0
Futureswap Futureswap (FST) $795,197.0
DexKit DexKit (KIT) $728,981.0
CoFiX CoFiX (COFI) $563,195.0
Tidex Tidex (TDX) $992,718.0
SpiritSwap SpiritSwap (SPIRIT) $558,578.0
Falconswap Falconswap (FSW) $385,349.0
EXMO EXMO Coin (EXM) $333,994.0
Hotbit Hotbit (HTB) $213,003.0
PowerTrade PowerTrade Fuel (PTF) $288,737.0
AstroSwap AstroSwap (ASTRO) $197,312.0
OTCBTC OTCBTC (OTB) $104,842.0
OceanEX OceanEX (OCE) $1,980,955.0
Jarvis Jarvis Reward (JRT) $4,092,073.0
DeGate DeGate (DG) $3,832,245.0
Coinmetro Coinmetro (XCM) $29,655,306.0
Nash Nash (NEX) $11,431,386.0
Delta Delta Exchange (DETO) $3,258,830.0
ACryptoSI ACryptoSI (ACSI) $329,021.0
Snowball Snowball (SNOB) $31,332.0
Probit Probit (PROB) $2,196,070.0
HXRO HXRO (HXRO) $118,415,967.0
WaultSwap WaultSwap (WEX) $14,993,958.0
Birake Birake (BIR) $749,974.0
Leverj Leverj Gluon (L2) $577,167.0
Newdex Newdex (DEX) $629,414.0 (ZERO) $412,962.0
FlypMe FlypMe (FYP) $456,509.0
Oikos Oikos (OKS) $187,030.0
Catex Catex (CATT) $90,170.0
Ardana Ardana (DANA) $65,664.0
Worldcore Worldcore (WRC) $47,358.0
Viper Viper (VIPER) $0.01890114
Belt Belt (BELT) $1,375,952.0
Bibox Bibox (BIX) $477,003.0
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